Urgent messages

Improving relationships with land owners, authorities and others

During 2020 we have been, and will continue to focus throughout 2021, on the important task of creating new positive working relationships with land owners and authorities, as well as clubs and other organisations on a national scale.

This approach has been very well received by all involved and has assisted The Green Lane Association in their work to help all users of unsurfaced roads as well as those responsible for managing the lanes themselves.

Our Communications Officer has approached many land managers in particular problem areas with the intention of helping to provide a proactive and practical solution other than closure. In all cases a positive and solutions-based approach was welcomed by land managers, some of who had initially had some doubts! Authorities and land owners were interested in advice regarding solutions, some of which they have never implemented before but that The Green Lane Association has experience of and could evidence as tried and tested effective working practices in other areas of the country.

These working relationships with the custodians of our countryside have been extremely beneficial and have allowed us at The Green Lane Association to expedite clearance, signage, and repair work very efficiently with the land managers blessing. We’ve even had offers from some North Wales farmers to speak to the media about our help and assistance from their perspective. This is a really positive step forward from the days when things were more ‘us vs them’ and is a great example of the team orientated approach we are thankfully seeing more of today.

Working with clubs and other organisations has enabled us to grow our affiliate and membership numbers with active and motivated laners who are willing to offer support from everything from PR to physical project work, and educating their members to fundraising. We’ve taken on more members, reps, assistant reps, lengthsmen, and volunteers than ever before over the last 12 months, and recruited a media team too!

These new recruits are representative of the laning community as a whole – volunteers aged from their late teens into their 70s, disabled and able bodied users, 4x4 drivers and motorcyclists, all gender identities, all coming together under one organisation. Our media team is comprised of executive officers, regional coordinators, reps, and members covering all the above demographics too.

The Green Lane Association isn’t just about the politics and legal side of laning, it’s about people first and foremost, and looking after and fighting for the interests of thousands of individuals who have come together to make up the organisation and support its goals.

Urgent messages