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Happy Valley repairs, September 2018

Day 1
On day one, we arrived on site and made our way up from the Pennal end. The journey to the top was extremely slow with a 3 ton tracked machine actually struggling with the rugged terrain and stopping to do some minor repairs along the way. By this time, the weather had turned to gale force winds and torrential rain and even waterproof clothing failed to keep the wet out.

Regardless, new large drainage pipes were installed and back-filled and the area just below where the burned out car had been graded back to the stone base, leaving large mounds of surplus mud and spoil to be dealt with the following day.

Day 2
On day two, we had some extra hands. As one of Pauls labourer's, Dan, was an experienced dry stone waller, he attended to a wall that had collapsed. It was at a point where a gully ran under the wall, so water that should have been exiting was continuing to run down the lane. Fortunately he had it rebuilt within an hour.

Back on the top, the surplus spoil was graded into a nice large embankment between the road and the large water channel and much of the smaller stone moved by hand in an effort to try to improve the one section that remained very muddy. More work still required here when the weather improves.

On the return journey, many ditches were re-dug to help the water run away quicker.

So far, the Green Lane Association had contributed £1,000 to the work. Unfortunately we haven’t yet moved any further forward with continued weather damage repair work due to lack of communications from the Local Authority and the National Park. We hope this will change soon and have more positive news to report.

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